F Suleman & Associates. was conceptualised in May 1996.  The formation was in response to an overwhelming demand in the market for high quality professional accounting, auditing and consulting services.

Faizal Goolam Hoosen Suleman CA ( SA ). Attained his Bachelor of Accounting degree at the University of Durban Westville.  He served his articles at Coopers and Lybrand in Durban. Faizal left Coopers in October 1993 to head the family business .In 1996 he decided to venture into public practice and established his own firm, F.Suleman and Associates. Faizal has undertaken various assignments for small to medium size clients and has gained invaluable experience.

GENDER: Females represent at least 40 percent of the total staff complement.

TARGET MARKET: The firm's strategic plan has defined the following key target markets, which attempts to address the issues of social upliftment and firm profitability.

SMALL, MEDIUM AND MICRO ENTERPRISES: A considerable need exists for accounting professionals to nurture and develop emerging businesses thereby destroying the previous socio - economic barriers to upliftment.  Special skills and approaches are required in this area of the market.   Flexible, proactive and dynamic facilitation and implementation is essential to ensure that budding entrepreneurs are propelled into success. We believe that the firm has necessary skills, expertise and approach to continue its success in this field.

EMPOWERMENT OPPORTUNITIES: The firm's marketing strategy at formation was towards a balanced client base that would enable the firm to register Trainee Accountants, in order to be able to write the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors final examination, to qualify as Chartered Accountants.  Each entity that assigns work to the Firm shall enable the Firm to take on more candidates, as Trainee Accountants.  It is the long-term objective of the firm to ensure that at least 80% of the overall staff and management content comprises people from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.

F Suleman & Associates , is ideally positioned to ensure that the empowerment of previously disadvantaged groups does take place within the firm. However, this commitment must be equally matched by the corporate and government sector i.e. confidence must be placed in entities such as ourselves that have the focus, vision, expertise, skills and resources to contribute significantly to our country’s economy and upliftment. Our methodologies, technologies and expertise base are sound and dependable. We expect our services to be rated purely on merit which is in keeping with our motto of “striving for service excellence”.


Our methodologies, technologies and expertise base are sound and dependable. We expect our services to be rated purely on merit which is in keeping with our motto of “striving for service excellence”.

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Contact Us

Address:  5 Linden Road

Phone:  (031) 2075830/1

Fax:  (031) 2075821

Email:  fsa1@fsulemanca.co.za